The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!


Nov. 22, 2019

My Golf Swing has Disappeared and I don’t Know Why

Source: 32: There are so many golfers who play well for years then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, their entire game just vanishes. This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans we speak to Tracy Reed, who’s heard that story hundreds of times, and has helped so many golfers…

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Nov. 19, 2019

The Eureka Golf Swing May Be Your “Ah-Ha” Moment to Consistency featuring Stephen Johnston, PGA

Source: 716: By request, we speak with Steve Johnston, PGA from Scotland about his “Eureka Golf Swing”. If learning to keep your left wrist flat, finding the low point of your swing, or improving contact to get straighter ball flight, then Steve’s website and his incredibly popular YouTube…

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Nov. 15, 2019

Keeping Your Golf Swing as Simple as Possible

Source: 31: Jim Samsing, PGA has easy to grasp teaching philosophy to keep the swing as simple as possible, developing strong fundamentals and swing skills, and using the brain as the major tool in the development of these skills. He is the foremost expert in the theory of the…

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Nov. 12, 2019

GolfLogix Continues to Lead the Digital Revolution in Golf Technology featuring President Pete Charl

Source: 715: The GolfLogix app has an incredible new feature that reads the slope and breaks of greens. It’s pushing the limits of what’s been done before that is why GolfLogix continues to be the most popular, and most copied of all golf apps for mobile and wearable technology.…

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Nov. 8, 2019

Golf’s Three Nobel Truths with author James Ragonnet

Source: 30: James Ragonnet, author of “Three Nobel Truths of Golf” is an award winning English Professor and golf coach at Springfield College in Massachusetts who has studied and applied eastern philosophies and practices and has incorporated these into the fine art of “playing awake”. Golf Smarter Mulligans is…

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Nov. 5, 2019

Playing 18 with a Blind Golfer is Both an Inspiration and a Great Lesson in Gratitude

Source: 714: When was the last time you hit balls at range with your eyes closed? It’s an amazing opportunity to learn more about what some coaches call “awareness”, being able to truly feel your body as you swing the golf club. Now do that out on the course.…

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Nov. 5, 2019

Playing Golf with a Visually Impaired Person is an Inspiration and a Great Lesson in Gratitude This is a compliment to episode714 of the Golf Smarter podcast, published Nov5, 2019. There are some elements of this episode that are unique to this video that are not in the audio podcast. When was the last time you hit balls at range with your eyes closed? It’s…

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Nov. 1, 2019

Pt2 with Hall of Fame PGA Tour Caddie Andrew Martinez

Source: 29: This is pt2 of our driving range-side conversation with Hall of Fame PGA Tour Caddy, Andrew Martinez. Andrew began looping on the PGA TOUR for Grier Jones in 1968 before spending 12 years alongside Johnny Miller. Martinez was on the bag when Miller became the first player…

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Oct. 29, 2019

If You Aim at Nothing, You’ll Hit It Every Time featuring Co-Author of “The Lost Art of Playing Golf

Source: 713: The last time we met Gary Nicol (ep699 published on 7/23/19), we discussed the first book he co-authored with Karl Morris, “The Lost Art of Putting”. They’ve just released a new book called “The Lost Art of Playing Golf” in which we discuss the various elements of…

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Oct. 25, 2019

Hall of Fame PGA Tour Caddie for Tom Lehman and Johnny Miller

Source: 28: Andrew Martinez started looping on the PGA Tour as a young man for Johnny Miller. After over a decade together, he spent the next couple decades caddying for Tom Lehman. This is part 1 of two with Andrew as we sit next to a driving range. In…

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Oct. 22, 2019

It’s The Takeaway That Dictates Your Downswing. More on the 2-6 Golfer with Terry Bradley

Source: 712: Terry Bradley, the 2-6 Golfer returns for more discussion on his unique swing method that has transformed the confidence and swing of many golfers. . Congratulations to Eric W of Columbus, OH! Eric has been selected at random to receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card, courtesy of…

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Oct. 18, 2019

Lowering Your Golf Scores from 100 Yards & In with Mike Wilkerson

Source: 27:Mike Wilkerson is a former Australian Tour player who has been a successful instructor in the Pacific Northwest for more than two decades. In this conversation, which was a listener request, we discuss various strategies and tips on the critical area of your game to lower your scores…

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Oct. 15, 2019

Preparing TPC Harding Park for the 2020 PGA Championship with Course GM Tom Smith

Source: 711: Tom Smith is our featured guest and the General Manager of the TPC operated, San Francisco owned Harding Park GC. We talk to Tom about what what’s involved a year in advance to prepare for a Major that happens from May 14-17, 2020. Although this is the…

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Oct. 11, 2019

Fine Tune Your Mental Game with Clear Key & Carey Mumford

Source: 26: Carey Mumford is considered by many to be the father of modern day sports psychology. His introduction of the “Clear Key” system has been successfully implemented by golfers of all skill levels. Despite Carey passing away in 2013, golfers are still getting tremendous benefit from this method…

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Oct. 8, 2019

The New Golf Novel "18 Holes" is More Than Just a Round of Golf with author J. Wesley Frost

Source: 710: J Wesley Frost plays golf to get away from thinking about his work as a small town police officer. So does the main character of his first self published book, “18 Holes” available on Amazon. But that’s where the similarity ends. The main character, Henry Walsh, is…

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Oct. 4, 2019

Practice Golf with Attention & Intention for Great Results featuring Suzanne Noblett

Source: This week our guest is Suzanne Noblett. Along with being one of Golf Range Magazine's Top 50 Instructors in America, Suzanne is also a 2 time LPGA Midwest Section Teacher of the year..and the Midwest section covers 14 states! In this conversation we focus on getting the most…

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Oct. 1, 2019

More on Gravity Golf with the Founder and Former PGA Tour Pro, David Lee

Source: 707: When Jack Nicklaus, Chi Chi Rodriquez, and Lee Trevino endorse your swing method, you have to be doing something special. Gravity Golf is special! After two conversations with his son, this time we speak to the creator and founder of Gravity Golf, David Lee. Almost by accident,…

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Sept. 27, 2019

Much More on Zen Putting with author Dr. Joseph Parent (part2...kinda)

Source: Zen Golf is one of the most popular golf mental game books in history. Author Dr. Joseph Parent returns to discuss his second book "Zen Putting: Mastering the Mental Game on the Greens". Actually, this is part 1 of the conversation and last week we published part 2.…

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Sept. 24, 2019

Inside the Nuts & Bolts of Gravity Golf with Daniel Lee: Part2 (Listen for a Special Offer!)

Source: 708: This is part 2 of our conversation on Gravity Golf with Daniel Lee. As last week was our introduction to how Gravity Golf came into existence and how it works, this week we get into the nuts and bolts of how to make it work for you.…

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Sept. 20, 2019

Zen Putting: Mastering The Mental Game Around the Green with author Dr. Joe Parent

Source: 23: Dr Joseph Parent returns to talk about his book “Zen Putting: Mastering The Mental Game Around the Greens” . Author of “Zen Golf”, one of the most popular golf mental game books, “Zen Golf”. Dr Joe provides some excellent putting tips, both mental and physical. Golf Smarter…

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Sept. 17, 2019

Endorsed by Jack, Chi Chi, & Lee Trevino, Gravity Golf Could Work for You! Featuring Daniel Lee

Source: 707: Gravity Golf could be the most logical golf swing methods ever introduced, which is why it’s praises have been sung by some of the greatest golfers in the modern era. In part 1 of a surprising 2 part conversation, we speak with Daniel Lee, son of the…

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Sept. 13, 2019

What Makes a Golf Course Great with Architect Brian Silva

Source: 22: Golf Course architects aren't necessarily great golfers which means they have compassion for the issues that face recreational golfers like us. But they all want to create great golf venues that challenge and please golfers of all skill levels. Our guest is architect Brian Silva on the…

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Sept. 10, 2019

Getting Consistent at Golf is about Making Your Swing Work, Not Trying to Imitate a Tour Player's

Source: 706: Jeff Ritter (MTTgolf on Twitter/Instagram. MakeTheTurn on Facebook and YouTube) of Make the Turn Golf (app and website) is one of our favorite instructors not because he’s the son of a golf instructor or that he’s been teaching since he was 16, it’s because he has…

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Sept. 6, 2019

How To Find The Right Golf Academy or Teacher

Source: 21: In an earlier episode of Mulligans we met Carey Mumford and heard about his Clear Key System. Bird Golf Academy was where we first met Carey, but they’re still big fans of his mental game approach to better golf. This time we meet the founder of Bird…

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