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Sept. 29, 2023

Aim Big, Miss Big

Different golfers have unique approaches towards the game. Joe Hallett delved into the psychological aspects of golfing. These approaches are deeply rooted in the golfer's individual psyches. Some golfers find comfort in a wide margin of error. The vastness of possibilities brings a sense of calm. On the other hand,…

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Sept. 29, 2023

Getting Into Your Coach's Mind - Pt2 with Jeff Ritter

Source: Jeff RItter returns to discuss what you as a golf student need to understand where you are now, where you’re trying to go, why you’re trying to go there, and then decide if you are doing the right amount, not enough or too much to reach your goals.…

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Sept. 27, 2023

How Golf Swings Should Work

To perfect the golf swing, you must understand the flow of energy throughout the body's system. Reeves Weedon shared his fascinating idea that a successful golf swing starts with an impulse, typically from the ground, that sets the body in motion. This energy then travels through the body, starting from…

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Sept. 26, 2023

Most Golfers Make Centered Contact On a Random Basis with Jamie Zimron, LPGA

Source: 914: Jamie Zimron of joins us for the first time in a couple years to talk about how important center contact on every one of your golf clubs will improve each ball strike, from driver to putter. So instead of focusing on various swing mechanics, or tinkering…

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Sept. 25, 2023

Too Much Side Bend Might Injure You

Do you know how the modern golf swing impacts the golfer's body? Reeves Weedon shared valuable insights on the contemporary golf swing. He said it's characterized by excessive side bending that can lead to significant strain on the body, particularly the lower back. This is due to the contradicting movements…

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Sept. 24, 2023

Irons Are Designed to Be a Digging Tool featuring Ben Alexander

Source: 913: Ben Alexander was named the NorCal PGA Teacher of the Year back in 2004 for good reason. In his long awaited return to Golf Smarter Ben “Walk Fast & Swing Slow” addresses many of the basic issues that most amateur golfers struggle with and how to address…

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Sept. 24, 2023

Are Pro Golfers Choking or Just Exhausted?

Even pros struggle on the course! Brinson Paolini talked about intriguing insights on the overlooked aspects of professional golf. It's not about choking under pressure as often believed, but rather a battle against fatigue and dehydration. Brinson discussed the constant decision-making process that is inherent in every shot. Factors such…

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Sept. 22, 2023

Be Your Own Best Coach

Comparing the PGA tour to the European tour is like comparing apples to oranges. Brinson Paolini shared some intriguing insights on the differences between competitive golfing worldwide and trying to break into the U.S. scene. Sure, some might argue that the competition isn't as deep on a global level, at…

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Sept. 22, 2023

You're Either Learning OR You're Performing featuring instructor Jeff Ritter

Source: Jeff Ritter, named Golf Digest Best Young Teacher in America, has been promoted to National Director of Instruction at the Nike Golf Schools and Junior Camps. In Part 1 of this 2 part conversation, Jeff talks about how to advance a Junior Golfer’s game, self esteem, and overall…

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Sept. 20, 2023

The Caddy's Role in a Golfer's Success

Caddies are a golfer's eyes and ears on the course! Tim Tucker delved into the nuanced roles of caddies and coaches in the world of golf. The relationship between a golfer and their caddy can often blur into a mentorship akin to a coach-player dynamic. They provide valuable insights on…

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Sept. 19, 2023

Irons Are Designed to Be a Digging Tool featuring Ben Alexander

Source: 913: Ben Alexander was named the NorCal PGA Teacher of the Year back in 2004 for good reason. In his long awaited return to Golf Smarter Ben “Walk Fast & Swing Slow” addresses many of the basic issues that most amateur golfers struggle with and how to address…

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Sept. 18, 2023

The Unexpected Challenges of Becoming a Pro Caddy

Know what's a crucial aspect of the golf game? Caddies. Tim Tucker enlightened us with his unique perspective about the world of professional golf. He noted how the role of a caddy on the PGA Tour is often underestimated. Tim's transition from resort caddying to tour caddying was a humbling…

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Sept. 17, 2023

Pro Golfers Struggle Just Like Us

The mental game of golf is actually incredibly significant. Here's a nugget of wisdom from Cary Valentine: Anyone who's stepped onto the golf course knows that it's a different world out there. The mental challenges faced by golfers, regardless of their skill level, are universal. From the amateurs to the…

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Sept. 15, 2023

Stewart Cink's 'Anyway Shot' Philosophy Explained

Curious about the 'Anyway Shot' philosophy? On the "Golf Smarter" podcast, Cary Valentine shared his interview with a notable figure in the golfing world, Stewart Cink 'Anyway Shot' is when a golfer decides to take a shot even when they're distracted or doubting their ability. It's a shot taken out…

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Sept. 15, 2023

Consistency, Distance, Accuracy and Golf Schools - pt2 with Jim Waldron

Source: Jim Waldron is concerned that he’s being too technical when he discusses the physics of ball flight, club face angle, body rotation, and other details that are raging in the teaching community. He also let’s Fred know that most students are more concerned with consistency than accuracy. Originally…

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Sept. 13, 2023

Unbelievable Golf Stories: Winning Big with One Perfect Putt!

In a recent episode of "Golf Smarter," Scott Tomasello shared a truly gripping tale. Back in 2019, a woman from Germany took the golfing community by storm. She qualified for a single putt from 60 feet, a feat that's daunting even for seasoned golfers. But she didn't let the pressure…

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Sept. 12, 2023

Connecting Your Mind, Breath & Movement On The Greens featuring Teacher/Author Jayne Storey

Source: 912: Jayne Storey returns to discuss her latest audio project called Connected Putting. Jayne,, is an incredible teacher who focuses on helping athletes of tall types, especially golfers overcome their nerves, anxiety, and mental interference. She’s a martial arts expert and can improve your overall performance through…

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Sept. 11, 2023

How a 19 Handicap Golfer Almost Won the North Korean Open

A young golfer almost won the North Korean Open! Justin Kreibich was not your average golfer. He was a 19 handicap, a rank that, while admirable, didn't quite qualify him for the big leagues. But what Justin lacked in skill, he made up for in audacity. He embarked on an…

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Sept. 10, 2023

What the Perfect Shot Feels Like

On the "Golf Smarter" podcast, Jayne Storey delved into an intriguing topic that resonates with many golfers. The elusive flow state, where the mind is calm, the intention clear, and every swing feels like poetry in motion. This isn't a state achieved by overthinking or meticulously planning every move. Instead,…

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Sept. 8, 2023

Combine Mindfulness and Technique for Better Putting

Here's an intriguing approach to golf: uniting both the mental and physical aspects of the game. Jayne Storey talks about it as the fusion of mind and body begins with a simple yet profound practice: breathing meditation. It's not about emptying your mind, but rather quieting it. When your mind…

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Sept. 8, 2023

Make Sure You’re Ready to Take The Next Shot with Jim Waldron

Source: Jim Waldron of Balance Point Golf Schools returns to warn us that if your set up is not right, then your ball striking is doomed. He shares a story of one of his students who was absolutely convinced that he had a thorough knowledge of ball striking based…

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Sept. 6, 2023

Unlock Your Perfect Golf Swing

Everyone's golf tempo and rhythm differ, and that's okay. Ben Alexander mentioned the importance of finding a rhythm that makes you feel fluid in your golf swing. It's about connecting with the tempo, feeling comfortable with your balance, and the overall rhythm of your swing. One common issue he saw…

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Sept. 5, 2023

If You Don’t Know What to Improve, Practicing Isn’t Going To Help!

Source: 911: Sarah Stone is a veteran teacher working out of the Washington DC area who publishes great Instagram and videos, so we thought it would be helpful to hear her break down the common issues that golfers of different skill levels, breaking down the handicaps in groups,…

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Sept. 4, 2023

The Secret of Walking Fast and Swinging Slow

Remember this the next time you're on the golf course: walk fast, swing slow. This isn't just a catchy phrase, it's a mindset that can revolutionize your game. Ben Alexander notices that many golfers, especially when they're starting out, have a tendency to rush their backswing. It's an understandable mistake,…

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