The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!

GolfLogix Continues to Lead the Digital Revolution in Golf Technology featuring President Pete Charl


715: The GolfLogix app has an incredible new feature that reads the slope and breaks of greens. It’s pushing the limits of what’s been done before that is why GolfLogix continues to be the most popular, and most copied of all golf apps for mobile and wearable technology. But their story started 20 years ago, well before any of us ever heard about GPS. In this episode, we meet with CEO Pete Charleston to hear the complete history, features and reasons why GolfLogix offers far more than any handheld device on the market. For more, check out

Our next giveaway is a Full Access Pass to the Gravity Golf Challenge, courtesy of, valued at $500! Enter at Deadline for entry is December 1, 2019 Midnight PDT.  

This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans, published each Friday, we focus on keeping your swing as simple as possible with Director of West Coast instruction for the Bird Golf Academy, Jim Samsing.=. Subscribe to Golf Smarter Mulligans for free wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or at

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