The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!

Endorsed by Jack, Chi Chi, & Lee Trevino, Gravity Golf Could Work for You! Featuring Daniel Lee


707: Gravity Golf could be the most logical golf swing methods ever introduced, which is why it’s praises have been sung by some of the greatest golfers in the modern era. In part 1 of a surprising 2 part conversation, we speak with Daniel Lee, son of the Founder, David Lee, and one of the lead instructors at the Gravity Golf Schools. Almost by accident, in 1973, the Gravity Golf science was discovered while on the practice tee, but when you hear how it works, you’ll be captivated. Get more at, but don’t make any purchases or start the Gravity Golf Challenge until you hear part 2. (SPOILER ALERT) Daniel makes a very generous offer to all Golf Smarter listeners.  

Our next giveaway is for a $100 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Enter at Deadline for entry is September 22, 2019 Midnight PDT.  

This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans, published each Friday, features a conversation with Dr. Joseph Parent, author of Zen Golf, the most popular mental game book in history. In this episode he introduces us to his new book, “Zen Putting: Mastering The Mental Game Around the Greens”. Subscribe to Golf Smarter Mulligans for free wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or at

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