The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!

Barney Adams on His "Tee It Forward" Campaign


GS#351 October 2, 2012 Chances are you’ve heard something about the USGA and PGA’s program to speed up the pace of play and make the game more fun for everyone called “Tee It Forward”. Chances are one of the thousands of courses that are participating in the program is near you. But what exactly is Tee It Forward? Well, you’ll be surprised to learn that it’s not just about playing the front tees to embarrass yourself in front of your friends. Barney Adams, entrepreneur, club maker, and founder of Adams Golf came up with this idea and convinced the PGA and USGA of its merit. This is part 1 of 2 in which Barney explains that it’s a really good idea, despite it’s name. In part 2 for Members Only, Fred pushes Barney for more of an explanation and tries to come up with a better name.
Terry Koehler of SCOR Golf answers Steve Xintas request to explain bounce. Because we used his question, Steve received a free custom fit SCOR 4161 Money Club (wedge).

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