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Oct. 3, 2017

Using Golf To Grow Your Business with authors Jonathan Taylor & Tim Davis

Using Golf To Grow Your Business with authors Jonathan Taylor & Tim Davis

605: Executives who play golf earn 17% more than those who don’t. We’ve all heard that the golf course is a great place to do business. A sharp business person can learn more about a potential business relationship in four hours on the course than...

605: Executives who play golf earn 17% more than those who don’t. We’ve all heard that the golf course is a great place to do business. A sharp business person can learn more about a potential business relationship in four hours on the course than they can with years of meetings, emails, and phone calls. Our guests this week are Jonathan Taylor & Tim Davis authors of “Selling On The Green”, the bestselling book on golf & business that’s used in University level business schools across America. In this episode host Fred Greene talks with these two about the book and they’re own successful experiences in building strong and lasting business relationships.     

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