July 11, 2023

The Fastest And Easiest Way to Consistency is Through Flow State Golf with Debbie O'Connell | #903

The Fastest And Easiest Way to Consistency is Through Flow State Golf with Debbie O'Connell  | #903

903: Debbie O’Connell probably wears a superhero outfit under her golf clothes. LPGA National Professional of the Year, the inaugural Nancy Lopez Golf Achievement Award, has bowled a perfect game multiple times, played D1 basketball in the NCAA Final...

903: Debbie O’Connell probably wears a superhero outfit under her golf clothes. LPGA National Professional of the Year, the inaugural Nancy Lopez Golf Achievement Award, has bowled a perfect game multiple times, played D1 basketball in the NCAA Final Four for Western Kentucky University, author, International Professional Speaker, Trainer & Mindset Coach, Top 50 LPGA Instructor, and the list continues. Get her free ebook “7 Principles for Lowering Handicap with Flow State Golf” by texting “FLOW” to 727-339-0106. Learn more at https://debbie-oconnell.com/
This week Golf Smarter Mulligans episode #219, is called “Why You Don't Swing Like a Pro and How to Change It” with John Novasel of Tour Tempo. For years, John was telling anyone who listened that the best players in the world all had the same 3:1 swing tempo, no matter how fast they would swing a club. Finally, researchers at Yale University proved his theories to be correct. Since this episode was published in 2011, host Fred Greene still incorporates what he learned about the 3:1 swing tempo from the Tour Tempo app 12 years later! This is part1 of 2.
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Golf Smarter has just been awarded the #1 spot in their list of Top 10 Golf Psychology Podcasts by feedspot.com Check it out at https://blog.feedspot.com/golf_psychology_podcasts/.
Golf Smarter has also been named by golfspan.com as one of the 10 Best Golf Podcasts for 2023, including being named the BEST GOLF PODCAST FOR YOUR MENTAL GAME. Check it out at https://www.golfspan.com/best-golf-podcasts.
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