July 20, 2022

Swing Thoughts Create Chaos in Your Mind, Which Results In Poor Golf Shots | golf SMARTER #852

Swing Thoughts Create Chaos in Your Mind, Which Results In Poor Golf Shots | golf SMARTER #852

852: Jim Waldron of BalancePointGolf.com returns to discuss his Focus 5-Point System which turns your focus away from swing thoughts to external targets. This will prevent you from creating chaos in your mind which inhibits free swinging of the club....

852: Jim Waldron of BalancePointGolf.com returns to discuss his Focus 5-Point System which turns your focus away from swing thoughts to external targets. This will prevent you from creating chaos in your mind which inhibits free swinging of the club.

This episode is brought to you by PXG Golf Clubs. PXG makes world-class, high performance golf equipment for golfers of every skill level. Buy online at PXG.com, or by calling 844-PLAY-PXG, or by visiting a PXG store or fitting studio near you.

This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans #168 coincidentally also features Jim Waldron from 2011. Jim was considering writing a book on the 15 Gates to Golf and Keys to Unlock Them, so we invited him to talk it out to get his thoughts in order. This is the first of two parts with Jim. Next week’s episode has never been released publicly before and is over an hour long.  

Become a Golf Smarter Ambassador by introducing our next episode! For your effort you’ll receive a choice of prizes including a Glove + Glove Compartment from RedRoosterGolf.com. where you can choose from 11 styles of gloves in 26 sizes! Write to GolfSmarterPodcast@gmail.com and we’ll assign you an episode number and a brief script to record for the intro of the show. Thanks to RedRoosterGolf.com for giving a new glove to every Golf Smarter Ambassador who introduces an upcoming episode!