The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
Dec. 24, 2013

Members #416: Face It, You Suck! That's Why We Have the Mediocre Golf Association (with Jon Morley)

Members #416: Face It, You Suck! That's Why We Have the Mediocre Golf Association (with Jon Morley)

Members #416 - Jon Morley loves golf, and loves to compete. But he’s not committed enough to get to a championship level. So he and some friends came up with the Mediocre Golf Association in 2006. Since then he’s grown the program with chapters around...

Members #416 - Jon Morley loves golf, and loves to compete. But he’s not committed enough to get to a championship level. So he and some friends came up with the Mediocre Golf Association in 2006. Since then he’s grown the program with chapters around the world, but been able to maintain their sense of irreverence intact. Their competitive season starts in March and you have the opportunity to join or create a chapter in your area. One chapter in Ireland only has 2 active members, so check out and start a chapter yourself!

Next up for Members Only, Jon joins us for Part2 of the conversation with more stories and reasons to join the Mediocre Golf Association.

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