The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
Oct. 30, 2018

Helping Golfers Eliminate Lower Back Pain with Thomas Malchow

Helping Golfers Eliminate Lower Back Pain with Thomas Malchow

661: Thomas Malchow founded the Low Back Pain Center and has helped Olympic and Professional athletes. Learn causes and triggers that contribute to low back pain for golfers. Thomas provides online consultations and assessments and has contributed one...

661: Thomas Malchow founded the Low Back Pain Center and has helped Olympic and Professional athletes. Learn causes and triggers that contribute to low back pain for golfers. Thomas provides online consultations and assessments and has contributed one for an upcoming Golf Smarter weekly giveaway prize. 

This is the final week to enter for a spot at Topgolf Crush! 4 winners will join Fred Greene in San Francisco on Sunday, 11/18/18 to hit balls and more at AT&T Park. Deadline to enter is this Midnight, Sunday, 11/4/18. Prizes are not transferable. Transportation and accommodations NOT included. Restrictions apply. Details and registration at

WIN! WIN! WIN!! Congratulations to Brian H of Hartland, WI who just won two books on Peak Performance from Scott Ford.

Each week we’re giving away a different prize including free online lessons, a SeeMore putter, and more. Deadline is Midnight PT/3aET each Sunday. Some restrictions apply, see details at 

Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and tax deductible donations to the Tony Manzoni Memorial Golf Smarter fund. Tony Manzoni passed away on 10/13/18. Any size donation is greatly appreciated, because It only takes $140 to give a child a scholarship that includes:

• Three 8-week sessions of lessons and one free Summer Camp

• Unlimited Access to the First Tee of Coachella Valley facility.

• Free course play

• 1 bucket of balls per child, per day

• Equipment use including golf clubs…and more!

Please visit to learn more, make donations, and review articles, tributes, podcasts, and videos that have featured Tony.