The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
Dec. 3, 2019

Golf Yips Can Be Cured with Psycho Sensory Therapy by James Hymers

Golf Yips Can Be Cured with Psycho Sensory Therapy by James Hymers

718: James Hymers is a “fast change” therapist based in Windsor Berkshire, UK. He understands that in today’s fast paced world we prefer therapy that works fast too. By utilizing Psycho Sensory Therapy, James claims that his average client only needs...

718: James Hymers is a “fast change” therapist based in Windsor Berkshire, UK. He understands that in today’s fast paced world we prefer therapy that works fast too. By utilizing Psycho Sensory Therapy, James claims that his average client only needs two sessions to achieve freedom from anxiety, phobias, trauma, PTSD, and the yips. These days, successfully helping golfers is about 25% of his business. If you think that this can help, he’s offering you a 10% discount at with the checkout code “golfsmarter”. In addition to face to face sessions, he’s very successful helping clients online.

Our next giveaway is next episode so enter today to win a session to help cure your issue with Yips, phobias, or anxiety with today’s guest. Find out more at . To win, enter at Deadline for entry is December 8, 2019 Midnight PDT.  

Congratulations to Paul T of Toronto, Canada, winner of a Full Access Pass to the Gravity Golf Challenge, courtesy of, valued at $500!

This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans, published each Friday, is the second of two episodes with Michael Murphy, author of “Golf In The Kingdom”. This novel means as much to golf’s mental game as any book in history. Golf Smarter Mulligans is supported by who can help you find the lowest rate possible for your next car rental.

Golf Smarter Mulligans is also brought to you by where you can buy premium used golf balls, with little to no discernible difference, and at a fraction of the cost of new balls. Use “golfsmarter” at checkout to get an additional 10% off every order, every time! Some restrictions apply.