The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
Jan. 31, 2017

Bad Golfers Are Just As Happy As Scratch Golfers. Then Why Are We All Miserable? with Fred Shoemaker

Bad Golfers Are Just As Happy As Scratch Golfers. Then Why Are We All Miserable? with Fred Shoemaker

577 Premium: Fred Shoemaker of Extraordinary Golf is one of the most popular and accomplished golf instructors that you may not know about. He’s got a cult-like following because he’s able to get any golfer to dive below the surface of frustration and...

577 Premium: Fred Shoemaker of Extraordinary Golf is one of the most popular and accomplished golf instructors that you may not know about. He’s got a cult-like following because he’s able to get any golfer to dive below the surface of frustration and the ability to see the ‘game’ in an entirely new light. He’s not only one of the most requested and elusive guests we’ve featured, but his episodes are our most popular. This week and next host Fred Greene will dig back to 2009 and replay two episodes in a row.  Enjoy

We have only a few DVDs of Fred’s “Extraordinary Golf - The Secret to Transforming Your Game” that usually sells for $50 for only $30 +s/h! 

Write an review about Golf Smarter podcast in iTunes (must email the title and date of your new review) and get the DVD for only the cost of shipping&handling! Either way, first come first served.

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