The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
Aug. 20, 2019

60% of All Golfers Are Over 50, Yet The “Easiest Swing”Can Help All Golfers!

60% of All Golfers Are Over 50, Yet The “Easiest Swing”Can Help All Golfers!

703: Surveys show that 60% of all golfers are over 50, yet golf instruction focuses on the power and flexibility of young people. Brian Sparks like Bobby Jones believes that “the whole body is involved” in the golf swing, not just your arms, hips,...

703: Surveys show that 60% of all golfers are over 50, yet golf instruction focuses on the power and flexibility of young people. Brian Sparks like Bobby Jones believes that “the whole body is involved” in the golf swing, not just your arms, hips, wrists, etc. Brian has been helping golfers in the UK and France for decades and sees a huge difference from “teaching” (at people) vs “coaching” (for people). From that he’s developed a philosophy that’s evolved from Positive Impact Golf ( to Easiest Swing Golf (

Our next giveaway is for $100 Amazon gift card courtesy of Enter at Deadline for entry is August 25, 2019 Midnight PDT.  

This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans we meet Dr. Rico Provasoli who wrote a novel called “Golf Between The Ears” ( on a true story he read in Sports Illustrated. He’s an MD who’s lectured for years on Somatic Reprogramming, which addresses Muscle Memory. Real or Myth? Listen to learn more! Subscribe to Golf Smarter Mulligans for free wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or at

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