The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
July 26, 2016

550 Premium: The Yips: What They Are and How to Cure Them with Jim Waldron

550 Premium: The Yips: What They Are and How to Cure Them with Jim Waldron

550 Premium: There are at least five different type of the Yips in golf. Full Swing, Chipping, Pitching, Bunker, and the least common but most talked about: Putting. Our guest is one of our all-time favorite golf instructors who actually specializes...

550 Premium: There are at least five different type of the Yips in golf. Full Swing, Chipping, Pitching, Bunker, and the least common but most talked about: Putting. Our guest is one of our all-time favorite golf instructors who actually specializes in eliminating the yips, Jim Waldron of the Balance Point Golf Schools. According to Jim, there are three contributing factors to the yips. Mental. Emotional. Physical (mechanics). “By definition, the yips (flinching) are unconscious. No one tries to get the yips.”   Jim also touches on the contributing factors, examples, and devising a program that will eliminate them and “Flinch-Proof Your Game”, and curing a scratch golfer who’s yips got so bad, he handicap went up to a 12. Jim cured him in 4 hours.    

WIN! WIN! WIN! Golf Smarter has teamed up with Dean Knuth of to give away a High Heat 3Wood. Deadline to enter is Midnight Sunday, August 14, 2016 at The winner will be announced on episode 553. Click here to enter:

Knuth Golf has extended their exclusive discount for the Golf Smarter community. Mention “Golf Smarter” in your ordhttp://Knuthgolf.comer and save on each of these clubs that are designed specifically to help amateurs play better golf. Driver regularly $399, your price $329. Fairway Wood regularly $299, mention Golf Smarter and it’s only $269. All new High Heat Hybrid, $249, but for you only $229.