The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
April 6, 2016

534 Premium: Doing Business on the Golf Course with Jennifer Munro

534 Premium: Doing Business on the Golf Course with Jennifer Munro

534 Premium: While all of the transactional elements of business happen either before or after a round, how you conduct yourself on the course could make or break your future business relationships. Jennifer Munro goes through the do's and don'ts of...

534 Premium: While all of the transactional elements of business happen either before or after a round, how you conduct yourself on the course could make or break your future business relationships. Jennifer Munro goes through the do's and don'ts of doing business while playing golf.

In more than 10 years of the Golf Smarter podcast, this is our first mulligan. Because of a cancelation, we dug into our archives to replay an interesting topic that has great value to many of us, but is not normally discussed to lowering scores. BUT it will enhance your golf IQ!

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