The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
March 1, 2016

529 Premium: Legendary Instructor Harvey Penick's Important Basics with Jim Hopkins

529 Premium: Legendary Instructor Harvey Penick's Important Basics with Jim Hopkins

529 Premium: Harvey Penick was a legendary golf instructor who was instrumental to the success of both Tom Kite and Ben Crenshaw. Even though he passed away in the 90s, his Little Red Book is considered one of the more important golf instruction books...

529 Premium: Harvey Penick was a legendary golf instructor who was instrumental to the success of both Tom Kite and Ben Crenshaw. Even though he passed away in the 90s, his Little Red Book is considered one of the more important golf instruction books ever published. The Harvey Penick Golf Academy has returned in his home town of Austin, TX and our guest this week is Director of the Academy Jim Hopkins. Jim was one of the first instructors at the original Academy and still considers Mr. Penick's teachings as the base for amateur golfers to improve. 

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