The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
June 24, 2014

442: Target Oriented Golf with Colin Cromack

442: Target Oriented Golf with Colin Cromack

442: The key to performance and flow in golf is understanding how to keep your conscious mind away from attempting to control your physical actions. Colin Cromack of Target Oriented Golf joins us for the first time since 2008 to discuss how to train...

442: The key to performance and flow in golf is understanding how to keep your conscious mind away from attempting to control your physical actions. Colin Cromack of Target Oriented Golf joins us for the first time since 2008 to discuss how to train the eyes, mind and body for success, and then putting Golf Psychology into practice. Swing with precision and play with real freedom.

If you are a dedicated golfer somewhere between beginner and Tour Professional wondering why your best golf performances remain so frustratingly elusive, the Target Oriented Golf program systematically explains how to focus your mind for golf and demonstrate how to put the comprehensive theory into practical procedures you can practice at home, on the range and enjoy out on the golf course. No NLP. No EFT. No 3 Principles. No hypnosis.