The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
Feb. 18, 2014

424: Keep Your Swing. Lower Your Score. (Author Mike Pile)

424: Keep Your Swing. Lower Your Score. (Author Mike Pile)

424: Mike Pile’s bio says that he’s been playing golf for over 35 years and enjoying it for maybe about 12 minutes. Like every mid-handicapper he's tried everything to get better; lessons, practice, advice, new equipment, tips, etc. but they never...

424: Mike Pile’s bio says that he’s been playing golf for over 35 years and enjoying it for maybe about 12 minutes. Like every mid-handicapper he's tried everything to get better; lessons, practice, advice, new equipment, tips, etc. but they never generated sustainable low scores because it is nearly impossible to play enough to put them into practice. Until now that is.

In part 1 of 2 we meet Mike and discus his great little book, “Keep Your Swing. Lower Your Score.” which offers simple, practical advice about the management and perspective of your game that will improve your golf game without having to practice, quit your job, ignore your family or get divorced. If you have a mid-handicap index and are someone who loves golf and really wants to improve, this book may very well help you achieve sustainable lower scores hole by hole, round to round. Mike’s book delivers practical advice that you can implement today, tomorrow and forever. There is nothing offered that cannot be sustained by the average handicapper who is lucky to play once a week. Keep Your Swing Lower Your Score will improve your game without requiring you to change your swing, take lessons or commit hours of time which most of us simply do not have.

The book is available in our Golfers’Mart at