The 1st four years of Golf Smarter Mulligans (GS episodes 1-366) are available here!
Nov. 19, 2013

#411 How to Pick Your Perfect Putter (pt2 with Kenny Giannini)

#411 How to Pick Your Perfect Putter (pt2 with Kenny Giannini)

For Members Only #411 - World class putter designer Kenny Giannini returns to discuss each of the components that go into creating a great putter. Whether you purchase one of Kenny's designs or from a major manufacturer, if you want to lower your...

For Members Only #411 - World class putter designer Kenny Giannini returns to discuss each of the components that go into creating a great putter. Whether you purchase one of Kenny's designs or from a major manufacturer, if you want to lower your scores, your putter is no place to scrimp. From this conversation, you'll become more informed on each element of a putter, why it works, and what works best for you.